
Muscle Power and Fall Risk

150 150 Tonya Fuller

20 – 35% of older adults report falling once per year. Being white, having a higher body fat mass, smoking, higher use of alcohol, hip/joint pain, higher cognitive functioning, history of a fall, high blood pressure, history of heart attack or stroke, 4 or more medications, and poor physical performance were linked to older adults…

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What is Balance?

150 150 Tonya Fuller

Your balance is made up of 3 primary systems: VISION, SENSORY, AND VESTIBULAR (equilibrium from the ears). Each system plays a role in keeping you upright and preventing a fall. How do each of these systems work? Vision Your vision provides you with information about WHERE you are compared to your surroundings. You can use…

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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

150 150 Tonya Fuller

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, better known as BPPV, is the most common cause of dizziness over the age of 65, but can occur at any age.  The most common symptom is usually spinning dizziness (vertigo) with positional changes, such as rolling over in bed, sitting up, lying down, bending over, or looking up.  People with…

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Welcome To Our Blog

150 150 Tonya Fuller

Welcome to the Dynamic Mobility & Balance Center blog! In this area we will provide information and research on what we treat here at Dynamic Mobility & Balance Center. In general, information will cover vestibular rehabilitation, concussion, and neurological injuries. Vestibular Rehabilitation is a type of therapy that treats dizziness and balance issues. Many times…

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